Monday, March 8, 2010

Response to Comments on Blog Articles

This blog would like to respond to some very valid and understandable comments made on this blog particularly the one that questions why the anonymity and why the blog does not go through the 'proper' channels for debate etc.

This blog welcomes such comments and the question asked is valid. The reason the people involved in this blog will not go public is because of fear of the consequences, plain and simple. Those involved in this blog are long serving members of the Irish Red Cross who believe in the organisation but like the commentator are very saddened by where the organisation is at. The blog members are unfortunately fully aware of what happens to those in the Irish Red Cross who speak out publicly whether they are members, volunteers, Board members or staff. Staff inevitably get fired and for members they are generally subjected to smear campaigns until they eventually depart the scene broken and upset. This blog apologises for the anonymity but we believe it is necessary to ensure views are heard and expressed without damaging consequences to the individuals involved.

This blog would also like to clarify that the criticisms contained in articles are directed at only a very few Board members and certain management. This blog has the greatest admiration and respect for all the members up and down the country who selflessly give of their time to the Irish Red Cross. It is because these wonderful people are so badly served by a domineering and vision less group of Executive members that this blog has been developed. Most Irish Red Cross members are blissfully unaware of the damage done to the organisation over the years and how the organisation is governed and managed. There are serious questions to be raised (as a prime example see blog article on undeclared Tipperary Bank Account). Members and staff have been ruthlessly silenced over the years. Thankfully technology has now made it virtually impossible to silence those interested in reform and those of us determined to succeed this time around.

This blog apologises to any hard working Irish Red Cross member, volunteer or staff who may be offended or upset by the articles. This is certainly not the intention.

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