Saturday, October 9, 2010

Irish Red Cross announces intention to recruit Secretary General

The Irish Red Cross has advertised for the post of Secretary General. The advertisement appeared in the Irish Times on October 8th 2010.

The Irish Red Cross has been without a permanent Secretary General for nearly ten months since the unexpected and sudden resignation of the former incumbent, John Roycroft, in December 2009. Mr. Declan o' Sullivan, finance consultant, has been in charge of the organisation in an acting capacity since Mr. Roycroft's departure. The decision to recruit a permanent replacement for Mr. Roycroft and bring to an end months of uncertainty around the position is to be welcomed.

This blog does note with interest, however, that the recruitment is to be handled by the Public Appointments Service, the government body responsible for all public sector recruitment in Ireland. Given that the post of Secretary General is not a public sector or civil service job this does appear somewhat unusual. Nevertheless it is very important that the recruitment process is handled and overseen by a body external to the Irish Red Cross.

The Closing Date for applications is 28th October 2010. For more information on the post and how to make an application, log on to, or for a confidential discussion contact Pat O'Dea at +353-1-8587481 or

On a separate matter:

Thank you to all the people who have posted comments recently. At time of writing there is 69 comments on the previous two articles. It is very encouraging to see that the continued legal action by the Irish Red Cross against Google has not deterred people from expressing their views and opinions.


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    How can a governement body advertise the job of Secretary general when the Minister said recently in answer to question from Finian Mc Grath.

    "The Minister for Defence has no function in the administration of the Irish Red Cross Society and does not get involved in the day to day running of its affairs.", what is happening?

  2. "No longer will I fear. No longer will I deny who I am."

    I'm Tom Murphy, director of and I have written several comments on various articles on this thread.

    I condemn the IRC's handling of this fiasco and call for governmental reform of the Irish Red Cross from top to bottom.

    Tom Murphy.

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    How strange...I thought the organisation's management wanted to sever all ties with the civil service?

  4. The great thing about being a subscriber to this blog is that in all my 30 year of Campaigning for and against the Irish Red Cross every single truth as I believed it is now being shown to be true. I saw minutes manipulated to an extent that the business discussed appeared to be at a different meeting. I retain the transcripts and the letters which show clearly the guilt of particular individuals. I have exposed millions of euro sitting in accounts and await the results of the investigation which has yet to be carried out over a decade later. Mr Lawlor and Ms Callan were given the task to investigate these claims. I have three weeks ago written to the regional office in Mayo and have received no response!

    If anyone wants copies of the accounts which prove that the Irish Red Cross retained money for long periods I will email them no problem. Well done Noel, for doing the right thing, like myself you will be vindicated but not by the members of the Executive. Truth is at the end of a long road, but did one ever think that the abuser would be the very organisation who is there to protect the abused !

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    The Red Cross cannot sever somthing that does not exist. Of course we all know that the umbical cord of the Government cannot be severed as one third of the Committee is appointed by the Government and the Chairman is appointed by the Governement. Oh sorry, the president appoints the chairman (according to Mr Kileen) as the President is also the President of the Red Cross. I don't really belive Mr Kileen that the the President appoints the chair without any intervention by the Minister of Defence. Lets just ask her it should only be that simple.

    I am not disgusted by the new Chairmans decision to have the investigation which was supposed to have been started sevaral weeks ago
    prior to his appointment stopped. (did it ever start?) After all the new chairman was the secretary of the Departmant of Defence when the Society was up to its tricks a decade ago and he would have been more than familiar with the ongoings then. He will have briefed the Minister from minutes received from their repsentative of the Department of Defence, who sits on the board.

    So the when the Minsuter suggests he has no part to play in the decisions he is very mistaken he has voting power through his representative.

    Maybe the Minister doesn't know that he has a vote on all the decisions made by the Red Cross management to date. The bad and the good ones.

    So the Minister will have decided through his representative to take legal action against google and UPC. Where the hell is all this money coming from or is there another account like the SIPTU one ?

  6. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Watch your back Mr Murphy you are a marked man now that you have exposed yourself to the legal team representing the IRC they have an unlimited budget to deal with people like yourself.

    Actually the truth is fair play to you as Noel needs all the support he can get.

    I still cannot believe that the Red Cross actually never intended having an investigation in to the Tipperary money !

  7. Anonymous1:17 AM

    The Governement should have no part in the reform of the Red Cross they cannot even manage to runa the Country keep tham out of it !

    Bring in the Federation to manage the Society until it can be arranged to have real reform and get rid of some of the individuals who own two shirts one political and the other a Red Cross one! Whlst Fianna Fail run the Red Cross like they run everything else nothing can be achieved.

    Well done Noel your a Red Cross Hero !

  8. Anonymous1:58 PM

    What ever about government reps being appointed to the Executive. Let us all stand and vote in new people and sign a so confidence in the current ones. Have a complete clear out. The time is approaching to send in nominations so think on guys and gals don't vote for what is already there get rid and put some honest people in place.

    Well done Cork on your efforts may all other areas not controlled by the inner sanctum follow your lead.

